Meet Hana Tajima-Simpsons .
A fashion designer from London. What so special about her? Uhm.. Well, she is ISLAM and all of her fashion based will be protecting the ‘aurat’. Now, muslim quest for fashionable yet modest pieces is answered.
“High-street, Islamified”
I adore her so much!!!
NAME: HANA TAJIMA-SIMPSONS ( TAJIMA from her Japanese dad and Simpsons from her English mom)
AGE: 24 (yes she is 24) wow!!
GOAL: make clothes for Muslim women that could equally be worn by Westerners, with this season's maxi skirts and dresses being the perfect examples.
Just converted to Islam 4 years ago. Hope she will be able to change the world’s perspective about Islam.
You can Find or Order Her Design in http://www.my.maysaa.com/
Visit her at http://www.stylecovered.com/
Or even watch her tutorial in YouTube http://www.youtube.com

Hana Tajima, founder of Maysaa, on a shoot in north London for her new collection.
Visit her at http://www.stylecovered.com/
Or even watch her tutorial in YouTube http://www.youtube.com

Hana Tajima, founder of Maysaa, on a shoot in north London for her new collection.

cantik kan? nak pakai mcm nie jugak.....
boleh? ;)
boleh? ;)

Hana dah pernah datang KL, siap jumpe Yuna lagi. I bet Yuna mesti minta fashion consult from her..

and Hana buat TEA PARTY with the scarfelets... hey, that's not fair!!
nice one
ReplyDeletelooks amazing. Love the outfits.xx
nice.... kk in nak ke? nnt iza belikan.. kk in bayar.. iza x de duit agy la!