Wednesday, 16 February 2011


by Beyonce

Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release

Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own all 'cause you won't

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind
You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened, there is someone here inside
Someone I thought had died so long ago
Oh, I'm screaming out and my dreams'll be heard
They will not be pushed aside on words
Into your own all 'cause you won't

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind
You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own

I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't, if you won't

Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but I will complete

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you think you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own, my own

A very powerful song who might heal millions of souls...

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Doctor vs Police

It happens during the holiday when I got back home from Jakarta. I can’t stop mumbling about stories how difficult my life is being a medical student. I keep telling my Daddy and Mummy how hard, hectic,chaotic, crazy life being a doctor.

We were on the way to Kampung, in the car I tell them all those horrible exaggerated true story about doctors almost the whole road trip…

Then suddenly my dad said:

Ayah: Being a policeman is much harder than being a doctor.

Me: No way. Being a doctor is much harder! We save LIVES for God sakes.

Ayah: A policeman. Do you know why?

Me: Why?

Ayah: We save LIVES and MONEY (possessions) !

Me: Oh..Psstt! -_-“

Doctor vs Police !

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

High Fashion Islamified


Meet Hana Tajima-Simpsons .

A fashion designer from London. What so special about her? Uhm.. Well, she is ISLAM and all of her fashion based will be protecting the ‘aurat’. Now, muslim quest for fashionable yet modest pieces is answered.

“High-street, Islamified”

I adore her so much!!!

NAME: HANA TAJIMA-SIMPSONS ( TAJIMA from her Japanese dad and Simpsons from her English mom)

AGE: 24 (yes she is 24) wow!!


GOAL: make clothes for Muslim women that could equally be worn by Westerners, with this season's maxi skirts and dresses being the perfect examples.

Just converted to Islam 4 years ago. Hope she will be able to change the world’s perspective about Islam.

You can Find or Order Her Design in
Visit her at
Or even watch her tutorial in YouTube

Hana Tajima, founder of Maysaa, on a shoot in north London for her new collection.

and here few of her AMAZING collections..

cantik kan? nak pakai mcm nie jugak.....
boleh? ;)

Hana dah pernah datang KL, siap jumpe Yuna lagi. I bet Yuna mesti minta fashion consult from her..

and Hana buat TEA PARTY with the scarfelets... hey, that's not fair!!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Contact Lens is a piece of PLASTIC!

She is brown skin, Asians and oh... she have a green eyes? Well thanks to the science that can create beauty. Specifically in this case CONTACT LENS.

How many of us wearing spectacles? i bet in our circles of friends, probably more then half of us. Especially me who is surrounded by a brilliant people. hehehe.. Most of my friends have myopia (nearsightedness).

1. In 1508, Contact lens concept was first discovered by LEONARDO DA VINCI in his Codex of the eye... ALTER VISION USING WATER.

2. BUT the very first real contact lenses : 1887 ! It’s like brown lenses rested on the sclera, and raised off the cornea-he filled in the empty spaced between cornea and lens with a solution of grape sugar. So tak boleh pakai lame-lame….

3. Types of contact lenses are HARD and SOFT. Hard lenses are divided into 2 which are rigid (oxygen can’t get through) and RGP ( Rigid water permeable) which the oxygen can pass through to our cornea. While the soft lenses is hydrogel type. This type is commonly used in early 2000, but then there is a new silicone hydrogel contact lenses. This new type is certainly better cause it permits oxygen though our cornea and its much more comfortable wearing it.

4. Indications of wearing contact lenses are :

· Corrective contact lenses( tak yah la pakai spec kan)

· Therapeutic contact lenses ( ini utk case like keratoconus, korea dia tak rata)

· Constructional material (utk betulkan korena, mcm pakai braces jugak tp ini utk bentukkan kornea)

· Cosmetic conact lenses (daa, untuk cantek laa)

5. Steps before you wear contact lenses are:

· FITTING. Which using a keratometer to measure the curve of the front based of your eyes so called BASED CURVE. This is important to know whether it is too flat or too steep.Because if it’s not fit, then u gonna be in trouble.. Caused ur lenses will move each time you blink. And then can caused an ABBRASION then will lead to KERATITIS (infection of cornea) and last but not least BLLLIIINNNDD

· TEAR FILM. Check whether it is too dry or marginally dry. This is for the types of contact lenses that u can used. Such as, if ur eyes is too dry, u might need a different contact lenses.

· And of course ur VISION. You might be recommended to wear slightly below your spectacles power.

Severe Keratitis

Bile dah jadi mcm nie, menyesal tak sudah....

SO moral value for today is:


Org kedai optic tue tahu jual je..kalau mate jadi ape2, bukan dorg tanggung..

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Air Terjun

Last week my friends and me decided to go hiking to see the beautiful waterfall... Well i heard bout it. Alhamdulillah sampai jugak dkt atas sana. It tooks us 2 hours and half to reach on the top. As u know, we are not true hiker, so we stop almost every half an hour walking. The track are quite challenging... But we did it.. heheh..

So here are the video i took some pictures i would like to share.... =)


Tinggikan air terjun die? kalau berdiri dekat angin die kuat sgt, mcm titanic!!

Pose depan one of Allah's magnificence creation

Yedy and me

Still smiling even my feet hurts..

Pacat! Siape tahu beza pacat dengan lintah?
I kene 1 pacat dekat tangan, dengan ade 2 dkt seluar, lucky i wore jeans yg tebal, tak sempat tembus lagi..


ok there is an interesting story in this picture. First of all, its a medic crew comes in handy, Johan need it coz die kene pacat dkt perut! ok perut? how come? i pun tak tau la mcm mane blh kene dkt situ. And the bleeding won't stop. He keeps mumbling about it all the way. Arh.. and then pacat marah kot kan,.then die kene gigit lagi dkt kaki and tapak kaki.. so the medic crew dtg la..
then we want to take picture, but then ade bumble bee!!! buzzing around me and yedi...
punye pandai la photographer itu.. main snap je..
so there you go..

ps: elisya supposed to join us, but she got sick with diarrhea... to bad!! anyway get well soon gurl..