It's August people! Marhaban ya Ramadhan. I'm now doing my Paeds cycle in RS Simpangan Depok. It's a veeeeeeery small hospital which may consume only 15 bed max for children!
For major cycle, this is the first time I was assign in such 'cute' hospital for 10 hold weeks. My working hours starts from 8 am till 4 pm, and oncall every 2 days. To cut it short, basically i have lots and lots free time in the hospital. Where my patients only 2-6 tops.
I complained.
"Isk, RS kecik nak belajar ape?"
"My precious time is wasted in this freakin' Hosp!" *at wits end*
"Ok, dah habis follow up. Now what?"
"Ah, benci la hospital nie"
"Perawat itu bodoh, malas plak tue, ganti infus pun nak cari Coass! "
I complained. Complained. Complained. Everyday!
Till I'm tired of complaining.
Then I realized, if I was send in a big hospital where my patients is triple my work is double, would i be complaining too? Hell, yeah. huhu..
I'm such a complainer.
That's not good.
From now on, I will be grateful with what I have.
"Pasien skit pun tak pe la, boleh concentrate more on em"
"Oh, dah habis follow up, now i nak study la... then gonna watch CSI" Muahahah...
"Kakak nak suruh coass ganti infus? boleh2... I don't mine doing nurses work" At least i learning. Mane tahu nak bukak hospital sendiri ke nanti in future.
Ha...that's more I like it. =)

Optimistic Me.
very optimistic ;)