We just got back from Jakarta to find our wedding materials. Especially
for the engagement.Went there with Mama, Baam & Rizal... Amazing
race for French Lace...
First Stop! EAT! At Lekka, Iga Bakar. Well, mama loves it so much..
(yang penting tak sakit perut)
The two Handsome Bosser
Nie tengah rambang mata... Seriously, your brain just can't think being in millions of cloth and colours and material..
Rizal: saya suke pink. saya mat bunge! (peace yo!)
Izreen: takpe Rizal, this colour is dark pink, macho je..
Taa-daah! after 2 hours
Dah cari kain nak cari, scaft pulak...
Pening nye cari kain...
Mama also get one set while waiting for us to decide... cekap cekap~ ! go mama!
Kire budget!!
Day 1 : Mayestik. Accomplish!
Day 2: Breakfast At Grand Tropica before starts another day for Nikah's & Reception's kain...
Mama snap the pic while im not ready
Mama: Gambar PASSPORT!
You & Me
Special Smile And Mak Ngah's Pose for Hani.
Classic Smile!
Having last farewell lunchion at Central Park Nanny's.
Credit to
Ayah (the boss, the sponsor)
Mama (for being very supportive & understanding)
Baam (my little brother, who willing to tahan long hours of us choosing the kain)
Rizal ( for being there all the time! )
Mission Accomplish!!